Profit and loss forecasts

Set goals

Want to know what your results are likely to be in the year ahead or in 3 years time? Whilst no one knows for sure, you’ll have a better idea of where you’re heading if you produce forecasts! They help you to take the right actions now.


Predict what you’ll achieve and compare to actual results. See where you’ve done better and if there are areas you need to improve in, then create the action plans to do so.

Quality assurance

Whilst we’ll  sense-check your forecast, we’ll also challenge it  and make sure it will lead you towards your long-term goals.

What we can do?

Our fees will depend on whether you want us to prepare the  forecasts, review them and/or monitor them

How much is it?

Our fees will depend on whether you want us to prepare the  forecasts, review them and/or monitor them.


Do I really need a profit and loss forecast? Not, if you’re happy running your business without goals. 

How can I make sure I achieve my goals? We can help you create action plans (with SMART objectives) that really drive your business forward. And we can monitor their implementation and effectiveness with you. 

How often would we need to talk to you? That will depend on how much support you need, but we like to check up regularly.

Key points

  • Know where you’re heading

  • Key management tool

  • Compare to actuals

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