Financial services

Joined up thinking

We believe in a holistic approach to financial services. That’s why we look at three key things things before we start:

  • We discuss and understand your personal and business needs
  • We learn about your personal and business objectives
  • We address each specific concern

We work with financial services teams who take the same approach and who share our values. We also make sure they can work closely with our tax experts so that you have the best of both worlds: the best financial advice and the most efficient tax planning.


Specialist service requires specialist knowledge.

Quality assurance

We work alongside a number of independent financial advisors (IFA’s) to whom we’ll happily introduce you.

What we can do?

Quite often we’ll join you in meetings with them to make sure we’re all on the same page and to explain things that the IFA might take for granted; and to make sure the advice given suits your goals and aspirations.

How much is it?

The IFA will usually charge you a fee; our fee may be linked to any value-added we may bring.


How will I know if I get on with the IFA you introduce? We usually provide  the names of two or three IFA’s, from which you can choose. 

Will the IFA give investment advice? Some specialise in certain areas like investment, pensions or insurances, others will be more general.

Key points

  • Specialist required

  • We can guide you

  • Provide a sounding board

Get in touch for a free meeting

We’re here to help. If we can’t help directly, we probably know someone who can. All you have to do is ask….